I'm so sorry I haven't posted something in like two months but I do have some good reasons for that.
First I had to create a portfolio for my dream school in a week (so much stress!), then I had a week of an internship. After that two friends came over for four days and in those days we celebrated carnival everyday (I'm from Germany, it's a big thing here). That same week was my birthday and then my birthday-party. This week on monday my sister from England will stay here till next week, so as you can see it were some busy weeks for me. Still, I got some free time now, so enjoy!
My friend doesn't like the show. I'm the opposite. I love it! Of course there are some cons and I'm about to tell you about them.
First of all I love the cast (look at these posts about more information: http://bookstain3.blogspot.de/2015/05/shadowhunter-tv-series-cast.html
http://bookstain3.blogspot.de/2015/05/shadowhunter-tv-series-cast-2.html ). They work so well together and if you have watched every "funny moments" video there is about the cast, you know that they are good friends even behind the camera. And to see some Malec action is always a good thing, am I right? And I can't get over the fact how sexy Izzy is! Those dresses man, just wow.
The Institute isn't at all like the books describe it, it looks a bit like a sci-fi FBI quarter. Anyhow, that doesn't really matter to me. The rooms of the characters are still authentic and represent them perfectly. And Clary's room was my dream room until it burned down to ashes. It broke my heart.
The only thing that really bothers me is that Hodge is so young. He looks like freaking 25 or something! That's just not right. The Hodge in the movie was a better choice.
All in all I really like the show so far and the first time Malec happened was my death!
And there's a rule: don't be like my friend and only watch one episode and come to the conclusion that the series is bad because the institute isn't an old church or something. Thanks!
Here's one of the teasers: