Soooo... I don't know I think he looks too young and I just really like Gofrey Gao... Still it could be worse and he's an good actor as far as I know so we'll see.

Alec Lightwood my sassy babe! We all know the sister of this actor (she was Annabeth in Percy Jackson): Matthew Daddario!
I really like him although he doesn't have my beloved blue eyes, but whatever bc the rest is hot! I just really hope that he can play "the gay guy" (I mean MALEC FOR LIFE RIGHT?!).
OMG this pic is aGIF yay! Look his eyes change...so werewolfy:D
Isaiah Mustafa is going to be the new Luke Garroway and his voice is so deep (I just said this with a deeeep voice). Love it!

I only think it's weird that they make him a detective and not an bookshop owner... Ikr. Sad but true.
And on his side will be the lovely Jocelyn Fray! Played by Maxim Roy!
I only hope they dye her hair red, the rest is perf!

And last but still not least is Alan Van Sprang as Valentine Morgenstern! I
miss the hair but he's okay. He played the mad king in "Raign" I heard so maybe he will be a good mad Valentine, who knows?
( P.S.: Another GIF. I love GIFs...the sky moves!)
So now we only need Hodge and some minor roles and it can start!

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