Wow, okay so I speed-read this book in about two days and rn it's two am and I just finished it and I'm so tired, but I just have to talk about this book.
Lia Nautilus may be a Mermaid but she’s never lived in the ocean. War has ravaged the seven seas ever since the infamous Little Mermaid unleashed a curse that stripped Mer of their immortality. Lia has grown up in a secret community of land-dwelling Mer hidden among Malibu’s seaside mansions. Her biggest problems are surviving P.E. and keeping her feelings for Clay Ericson in check. Sure, he’s gorgeous in that cocky, leather jacket sort of way and makes her feel like there’s a school of fish swimming in her stomach, but getting involved with a human could put Lia's entire community at risk.
So it’s for the best that he’s dating that new girl, right? That is, until Lia finds out she isn't the only one at school keeping a potentially deadly secret. And this new girl? Her eyes are dead set on Clay, who doesn't realize the danger he's in. If Lia hopes to save him, she’ll have to get closer to Clay. Lia’s parents would totally flip if they found out she was falling for a human boy, but the more time she spends with him, the harder it is for her to deny her feelings. After making a horrible mistake, Lia will risk everything to stop Clay from falling in love with the wrong girl. (source: goodreads)
First of all, I gotta admit that I'm actually not into this whole mermaid thing, BUT I still really enjoyed this book. The story was refreshing and the characters were lovable. Tho I sometimes didn't like the dialogue between the two main characters, Lia and Clay, there were some really great passages.
In the middle of the book it got a bit boring bc the same things happened over and over again and Lia made the same mistake over and over again and I just got so annoyed by her. I really enjoyed the ending although the dialogue got a bit corny. The beginning of the book is actually my favourite part. You want to get to know the characters and Lia was really likeable.
All in all it was a good book and it's an easy read. You should check it out here:
Thank you so much Month9Books for sending me this book. I'm really grateful!
E4K 2016
Hey peeps!

The event is about testing your own limits. You have to have at least 5 people who pledge a chosen amount of money per hour. You have 24 hours to do something of your choice and do it for as long as you can. Misha ran, I painted and I saw someone else knitting hats. If you create something you are not allowed to sell it, so I gave my painting to my mom for her birthday!
This year we raised about 52 thousand US dollars!

I'll link the Random Acts website here:

Author Interview with Martine Lewis, writer of "Crossing the Barrier"
Hey peeps!
Today I got something special for you: an author interview!
The author Martine Lewis was so kind to answer a bunch of questions about herself and her new released book "Crossing the Barrier". Enjoy!
Please tell us a little about yourself and your background?
This is always the hardest thing to do. It took me days to come up with a decent bio.
About me? Well, I’m in my forties and I currently live in Houston Texas. I absolutely love this city. There are so much going on all the time.
I began writing when I was eleven years old and I’ve written ever since. I never thought I would write to publish even if my sister asked multiple times. I always told her I was too lazy to create my own universe, I preferred writing in universes that already existed.
Then one day, the inspiration hit me and I’ve been writing originals ever since.
When I’m not writing, I read and I roller skate (the old kind, not the rollerblades).
What have you written?
Books: Crossing the Barrier – Gray Eyes Series One
Breaking the Mold – Gray Eyes Series Two (will come out on September 20, 2016)
Gray Eyes Series book 3, half of book 4 and book 5 are also written. I’m editing right now.
I also have multiple short stories and deleted scenes from the Gray Eyes Series that will be made available through my website in the near future.
Fanfiction: multiple Harry Potter fanfiction that can be found on
I also co-wrote a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction but it’s under my friend’s profile.
How did the idea of the story come to you?
For my books, the premise of the entire series was inspired by the first 20 minutes of the pilot episode of Roswell. The entire idea of the empaths came to me when Max shows Liz how he sees her. Of course, my empaths are not aliens! But there is something going on there…
I get the details from things that happen around me, from people I meet, from TV shows I watch. I also get a lot of plotting done when I’m driving.
For book one, I got my ideas from attending high school football, which I do regularly and I enjoy immensely.
For book two and three, those two were inspired by Roswell.
The others, you will see
How did you come up with the title of your book?
I don’t have any merits on this one. My editor found if for me. It comes from a phrase in the book.
For book two, Breaking the Mold, that was all me. We (my editor and I) wanted to keep the same title pattern, which is a verb finishing by “ing” with a “the” then a noun. And Elizabeth’s story is really about coming into her own, so Breaking the Mold was the perfect title for it.
Please give us an insight into your main characters. What do they do that is so special?
Malakai is the popular guy, handsome, broody a little, loyal. He also has an anger inside of him, something he doesn’t realize he has, something he has to deal with in order to grow.
As for Lily, she is an empath. She has the power of feeling everything people around her feel. That makes her very unique. In her personal life, in a more “normal” side of her, she has to deal with the loss of her father, and a mother who doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like to be home and she needs to get out in order to grow. But growing up is also scary. At school, she is popular in her own circle but nothing compared to Malakai.

What draws you to this genre?
I write Upper Young Adult/ Lower New Adult Contemporary Coming of Age Romance with a touch of Paranormal.
That’s a mouthful, right?
Why do I write this genre? Because I loved that period in my life. I also love to look at teens grow and come into their own. I also like things that are contemporary, set in the present, but at the same time, I like the mysterious and find it interesting (Buffy here! She was interesting for me as she had this special power no-one else had), therefore my touch of Paranormal with my empaths. I am not as much into werewolf and vampires, however, so I don’t write them… Okay, I know, that sounds funny since I was in Buffy, but what I liked of Buffy was her character, no so much the demons she was fighting.
Do the names in your book have special meanings?
Well, there is a special meaning behind Lily’s name, but my saying it right now would really sell something in the entire series I would like readers not to know just yet.
Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors and books?
I don’t read as much as I would want but I do lllloooovvvveeee Cambria Hebert, her #hashtag series. It’s a New Adult Series but I absolutely love it. I have also red CM DePorto University Park Series and I like that one too. It’s another New Adult.
I read a lot of Young Adult too but not so many in the indie worlds. I have a hard time finding any that are straight contemporary romance. Lots of them have magic or vampires or are dystopian. I love Kathy McGarry. She does YA Contemporary Romance at its best. I usually start crying in the middle of the book and don’t stop until the end!
I would love to find indie YA authors like Cambria and CM are for New Adults so I am opened to suggestions.
Which authors inspire you?
Definitely Cambria Hebert. When I get stuck, I re-read the #hashtag series which I’ve read three times already.
What is your favourite quote?
I love the quotes LL Cool J puts on Twitter. That’s the reason why I follow him. I think my favorite so far is “Dreams don’t have deadlines”.
What is your favourite movie?
I’ve got too many…
Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Pride and Prejudice
What literary character is most like you?
I honestly don’t know.
I think I have the independence of Elizabeth Bennett.
What book do you wish you could have written?
#nerd from Cambria Hebert
Please list seven books your hero (*of your book) loves best!
Lily reads romance but after she found Malakai, she doesn’t feel the need to. So she will turn to Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Malakai likes Harry Potter.
In five words, please describe your 'Romance Writing Style'.
Hard, broody, sad, challenging, happy ending.
Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: twin, alley, luxury, wasp
The twins were driving in an alley in a luxury car when they came upon a nest of wasps.
What writing advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Keep at it, seek help, and when you’re ready to publish, do it right.
And finally, where can people find your book online?
Any Amazon affiliated website:
Contact info:
Pinterest: In the process of setting it up.
Thank you so much Martine, to take the time and answer my questions!
So, that's it for now!
You can check out my review on Martine's book here:
Today I got something special for you: an author interview!
The author Martine Lewis was so kind to answer a bunch of questions about herself and her new released book "Crossing the Barrier". Enjoy!
Please tell us a little about yourself and your background?

About me? Well, I’m in my forties and I currently live in Houston Texas. I absolutely love this city. There are so much going on all the time.
I began writing when I was eleven years old and I’ve written ever since. I never thought I would write to publish even if my sister asked multiple times. I always told her I was too lazy to create my own universe, I preferred writing in universes that already existed.
Then one day, the inspiration hit me and I’ve been writing originals ever since.
When I’m not writing, I read and I roller skate (the old kind, not the rollerblades).
What have you written?
Books: Crossing the Barrier – Gray Eyes Series One
Breaking the Mold – Gray Eyes Series Two (will come out on September 20, 2016)
Gray Eyes Series book 3, half of book 4 and book 5 are also written. I’m editing right now.
I also have multiple short stories and deleted scenes from the Gray Eyes Series that will be made available through my website in the near future.
Fanfiction: multiple Harry Potter fanfiction that can be found on
I also co-wrote a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction but it’s under my friend’s profile.
How did the idea of the story come to you?
For my books, the premise of the entire series was inspired by the first 20 minutes of the pilot episode of Roswell. The entire idea of the empaths came to me when Max shows Liz how he sees her. Of course, my empaths are not aliens! But there is something going on there…
I get the details from things that happen around me, from people I meet, from TV shows I watch. I also get a lot of plotting done when I’m driving.
For book one, I got my ideas from attending high school football, which I do regularly and I enjoy immensely.
For book two and three, those two were inspired by Roswell.
The others, you will see
How did you come up with the title of your book?
I don’t have any merits on this one. My editor found if for me. It comes from a phrase in the book.
For book two, Breaking the Mold, that was all me. We (my editor and I) wanted to keep the same title pattern, which is a verb finishing by “ing” with a “the” then a noun. And Elizabeth’s story is really about coming into her own, so Breaking the Mold was the perfect title for it.
Please give us an insight into your main characters. What do they do that is so special?
Malakai is the popular guy, handsome, broody a little, loyal. He also has an anger inside of him, something he doesn’t realize he has, something he has to deal with in order to grow.
As for Lily, she is an empath. She has the power of feeling everything people around her feel. That makes her very unique. In her personal life, in a more “normal” side of her, she has to deal with the loss of her father, and a mother who doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like to be home and she needs to get out in order to grow. But growing up is also scary. At school, she is popular in her own circle but nothing compared to Malakai.

What draws you to this genre?
I write Upper Young Adult/ Lower New Adult Contemporary Coming of Age Romance with a touch of Paranormal.
That’s a mouthful, right?
Why do I write this genre? Because I loved that period in my life. I also love to look at teens grow and come into their own. I also like things that are contemporary, set in the present, but at the same time, I like the mysterious and find it interesting (Buffy here! She was interesting for me as she had this special power no-one else had), therefore my touch of Paranormal with my empaths. I am not as much into werewolf and vampires, however, so I don’t write them… Okay, I know, that sounds funny since I was in Buffy, but what I liked of Buffy was her character, no so much the demons she was fighting.
Do the names in your book have special meanings?
Well, there is a special meaning behind Lily’s name, but my saying it right now would really sell something in the entire series I would like readers not to know just yet.
Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors and books?
I don’t read as much as I would want but I do lllloooovvvveeee Cambria Hebert, her #hashtag series. It’s a New Adult Series but I absolutely love it. I have also red CM DePorto University Park Series and I like that one too. It’s another New Adult.
I read a lot of Young Adult too but not so many in the indie worlds. I have a hard time finding any that are straight contemporary romance. Lots of them have magic or vampires or are dystopian. I love Kathy McGarry. She does YA Contemporary Romance at its best. I usually start crying in the middle of the book and don’t stop until the end!
I would love to find indie YA authors like Cambria and CM are for New Adults so I am opened to suggestions.
Which authors inspire you?
Definitely Cambria Hebert. When I get stuck, I re-read the #hashtag series which I’ve read three times already.
What is your favourite quote?
I love the quotes LL Cool J puts on Twitter. That’s the reason why I follow him. I think my favorite so far is “Dreams don’t have deadlines”.
What is your favourite movie?
I’ve got too many…
Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Pride and Prejudice
What literary character is most like you?
I honestly don’t know.
I think I have the independence of Elizabeth Bennett.
What book do you wish you could have written?
#nerd from Cambria Hebert
Please list seven books your hero (*of your book) loves best!
Lily reads romance but after she found Malakai, she doesn’t feel the need to. So she will turn to Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Malakai likes Harry Potter.
In five words, please describe your 'Romance Writing Style'.
Hard, broody, sad, challenging, happy ending.
Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: twin, alley, luxury, wasp
The twins were driving in an alley in a luxury car when they came upon a nest of wasps.
What writing advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Keep at it, seek help, and when you’re ready to publish, do it right.
And finally, where can people find your book online?
Any Amazon affiliated website:
Contact info:
Pinterest: In the process of setting it up.
Thank you so much Martine, to take the time and answer my questions!
So, that's it for now!
You can check out my review on Martine's book here:
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